Latest News/Announcements(archived announcements at bottom of page) 6/9/17: FINALS REVIEW SESSION WITH MSI TUTOR, ALEX: 12pm Jack Baskin Lounge (where you drop off your homework) 6/1/17: FINAL IS COMING UP FAST! It is time to revise for the WHOLE course and PRACTICE doing problems! Here are some suggestions for you: Re-read your notes and the lecture notes (see tabs at the left) Re-watch the webcast lectures if necessary (! Go back and look at the homeworks that you have already done Go back and do some of the homeworks from the book that are similar but that you have NOT done yet. Notice that the book has ANSWERS to the odd-numbered problems. Talk to your friends about what they think is important in the course, and what they found hard Go to the remaining sections, and the remaining office hours of any/all TAs and/or me and get your questions answered. Here is a review/study guide! Practice some exams: Here are solutions to the example final Don't just read the solutions! Try and do the final as practice and then check your answers against the solutions! |
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Our main goal is to introduce the main concepts in linear algebra to engineering students. The course will cover complex numbers, systems of linear equations, their matrix form, the properties of matrices (including rank, inverse, determinant, eigenvalues and orthogonality), vectors and vector spaces, and linear transformations. All of these ideas will be taught in a context of applied problems and with frequent use of computational resources. In particular, students will get a gentle introduction to the use of the software MATLAB.
Tu Th, 09:50-11:25am, Baskin Auditorium 101 (click here to get a map)
Classes are now webcast! Go to
You need password information to access the webcasts. The password information is here.
Name: Steven Reeves
Name: Tenavi Nakamura-Zimmerer
Name: Skylar Trigueiro
Regular class sections
MSI sections
Modified Supplemental Instruction (MSI) is our main tutoring support. MSI will provide class sessions with a class size of 10-12. This can be very very useful!
You need to sign up to be able to access this extra tutoring!
See their web site is at:
The session schedule, once posted, will be at:
The Learning Assistant supplied for the course is Jiahao Xu : jxu43 at
MSI section times: (times have been updated 4/25/17)
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STEM success classes -- tips and techniques on how to do general math/problem solving. See this document for info
A brief summary:
4/7/17: Classes are now webcast! Go to
You need password information to access the webcasts. The password information is here.
4/13/17: RE: WAITLISTS --- I have assigned all the permission codes that are available to me to students on the waitlist at this time. Check your ucsc email for a message entitle "AMS10 permission number". If you were waiting to get into the class and did not get a permission code, I am sorry -- there were no bigger classrooms and the fire marshall won't let me add any more. AMS10 will be offered in the summer session this year, and again in the Fall and Spring of the next academic year (2017-18).
4/14/17: First homework due in at 5pm Fri 4/14.
4/14/17: MORE HELP! STEM success classes -- tips and techniques on how to do general math/problem solving. See this document for info
4/24/17: Midterm is coming up soon! Below is a sample midterm and solutions. Don't just look at the solutions and think you can do things!! Try the practice exam, THEN check your answers against the solutions.
Please arrive early to class for an on-time start at 9:50am
All you need is a pencil, eraser and your brain in top form!
See example exam above for style
Testing all all material in linear systems, matrices and applications so far. NOT VECTORS!
Here are the midterm solutions.
The average grade was 83% (B+). Here is a histogram of the grades.
DON'T GET COMPLACENT EVEN IF YOU DID FAIRLY WELL IN THE MIDTERM! The second half of the course is harder than the first half!